What We Do

The mission of the Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) is to improve campus safety through a pro-active, thoughtful, and caring approach to situations that pose, or may reasonably pose, a threat to the safety and well-being of the 菠菜网lol正规平台 community.

Students, staff and faculty are usually the first to notice concerning behaviors of those in our campus community including students, faculty members, staff or 菠菜网lol正规平台 visitors. Targeted violence is often preventable because the person of concern usually tells someone or several people ahead of time. They tell through verbal threats, written threats, physical threats, threatening behavior, videos, postings in social networking sites such as Snap, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. 

Sometimes the human tendency is to minimize these concerns, but we encourage you to reach out about any issues of concern.

Our History

In Spring 2014, CAIT (the Crisis Assessment and Intervention Team) changed the team's name to the Behavioral and Crisis Intervention Team and refocused the name to BIT in Fall 2015.

The purpose of the Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) is to proactively identify, assess, and offer a coordinated institutional response to 菠菜网lol正规平台 community members who pose a risk to themselves, others and/or the campus community.