San Jose State University
Aerial view of the King Library
July 5, 2022
NEW Limited Submissions Programs and Strategic Grants

Dear Faculty,

Happy summer! 以下是7月份的顶级有限提交和战略赠款亮点. All three limited submissions are NSF grants that support students and have rapidly approaching deadlines; in particular, the NSF NRT has an internal deadline on July 29th.  Up-to-date information is also available anytime on our 菠菜网lol正规平台 InfoReady Portal (有限的提交)和通过我们的菠菜网lol正规平台战略资助列表 Pivot — 菠菜网lol正规平台’s go-to tool for finding funding. 过去的“月度最佳”通讯和我们每月的AVP研究电子邮件可以在 Office of Research website under Communications.

Julia Gaudinski
Director, Research Development

Newly Released Limited Submissions & Upcoming Deadlines

NSF |美国国家科学基金科研见习计划
NSF 21-536 Track 1: $3M | Track 2: $2M

The NRT program addresses workforce development, emphasizing broad participation, and institutional capacity building needs in graduate education. 该计划鼓励与私营部门进行战略合作的提案, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), government agencies, national laboratories, field stations, teaching and learning centers, informal science centers, and academic partners. NRT提案和现有NSF INCLUDES项目之间的合作应该加强NRT和INCLUDES项目.


NSF | HSI Program Network Resource Centers and Hubs
NSF 22-602: $3M-$7M
Internal Submission Deadline: August 19, 2022 | Sponsor's Letter of Intent Deadline (required): November 14, 2022 | Deadline: December 15, 2022

This solicitation invites proposals with distinct objectives and goals to the HSI-Net: 1) HSI Program Center for Community Coordination (HSI-CCC); 2) HSI Center for Evaluation, Research and Synthesis (HSI-CERS); and 3)HSI Program Resource Hubs (HSI-Hubs).
Please Note: 
CSU STEM-Net Direct Frank Gomez ( is exploring the submission of a multi-campus HSI-Hub proposal. Please contact him if interested in joining that effort.


NSF | NSF科学、技术、工程和数学奖学金(S-STEM)
NSF 22-527: ≤ $250K
Ultimately, S-STEM项目旨在增加获得S-STEM合格学位的低收入学生的数量,并利用他们的STEM知识为美国的创新经济做出贡献. 认识到仅靠经济援助不能提高STEM的留校率和毕业率, 该计划向高等教育机构(IHEs)提供奖励,而不仅仅是资助奖学金, but also to adapt, implement, 研究已被证明有效支持招聘的循证课程和联合课程[1]活动, retention, transfer (if appropriate), student success, academic/career pathways, and graduation in STEM.

New Strategic Grant Highlights


NSF |致同事的信:通过亚马逊网络服务为国家科学基金会研究人员提供量子计算平台访问, IBM, and Microsoft Quantum
NSF 22-092: ≤ $50K (Supplemental Funding)
Deadline: July 8, 2022
The National Science Foundation, in conjunction with Amazon Web Services (AWS), IBM, and Microsoft Quantum, 协调基于云的量子计算平台访问的可用性是为了在学术环境中推进研究和建设能力吗. NSF的补充资金将包括对研究生的支持,以及在这些硬件和软件量子平台上工作的费用.

NSF |致同事信:频谱STEM中的劳动力发展
NSF 22-095: ≤ $100K (supplemental funding)
Deadline: July 11, 2022

NASA | University Leadership Initiative
Funding Estimate: $3M-$10MApplicant Workshop: Thursday, July 14, 2022; 1:00-3:00 p.m. ET | Deadline: August 30, 2022
The University Leadership Initiative (ULI) 为大学团队提供机会,在提出航空领域独特的技术挑战时发挥技术和组织领导作用, defining multi-disciplinary solutions, establishing peer review mechanisms, 运用创新的团队策略,增强科研影响力. (There are seven ULI topic areas in Appendix D.4.)

USDE | Open Textbooks Pilot Program
≤ $1M
Deadline: July 25, 2022

In awarding the research grants, 教育科学研究所(IES)旨在为有残疾或有残疾风险的婴幼儿扩大对(1)发育和入学准备结果的认识和理解提供国家领导, (2)从幼儿教育到高等教育和成人教育的所有学习者的教育成果, (3)相关的就业和工资结果(例如从事职业和技术工作的人), postsecondary, or adult education).

Variable Funding
Deadline: July 29, 2022

首要优先事项是规划和实施促进野火恢复和森林恢复力的森林健康项目,并支持加州野火和森林恢复力行动计划和内华达山脉保护协会流域改善计划的目标. 资格说明:项目必须位于内华达山脉地区或为其提供服务. If you are interested, please contact the Research Development (RD) team 协助决定参赛资格,并协助拟定具竞争力的建议书.

DOD | DOD Parkinson's Early Investigator Research Award
≤ $400K
PRP EIRA支持研究人员在其职业生涯的早期阶段的研究机会, under the guidance of one or two designated Mentor(s).

DOD | DOD Parkinson's Investigator-Initiated Research Award

The PRP IIRA supports highly rigorous, multidisciplinary, 有可能对帕金森氏症研究做出重要贡献的高影响力研究项目. 该奖励机制支持从基础科学到临床研究的全方位研究.

DOD | DOD Parkinson's Synergistic Idea Award
≤ $3M

该奖项旨在支持新的和已有的合作伙伴关系,并鼓励来自其他研究领域的pi参与. PRP协同创意奖寻求来自广泛学科的研究人员的应用,包括, but not limited to, basic science, engineering, bioinformatics, population science, translational research, and clinical research.

NEH | Humanities Connections
Planning: ≤ $35K; Implementation: ≤ $150K
Deadline: September 1, 2022

该奖项支持创新的课程方法,促进人文学科教师与社会科学、自然科学、职前培训或专业项目(如商科)教师之间的伙伴关系, engineering, health sciences, law, computer science, 和其他技术驱动的领域),以鼓励和开发新的综合学习机会的学生.

NEH | Dialogues on the Experiences of War
≤ $100K
Deadline: September 1, 2022

对话项目鼓励退伍军人和平民就公民参与等问题进行集体反思, veteran identity, the legacies of war, service, and homecoming. Project teams should include humanities scholars, military veterans, and individuals with relevant experience.

NSF | Research Experiences for Undergraduates
NSF 22-601: $5K-$500K
Deadline: September 06, 2022
REU站点是基于独立的提案来发起和开展项目,让许多学生参与研究. REU网站可以基于单一学科或学术部门,也可以提供跨学科或多部门的研究机会,具有连贯的智力主题. Proposals with an international dimension are welcome.

USDE | NCER教育科学教育研究培训计划
Deadline: September 8, 2022

Within USDE, 教育科学研究所(IES)为改善教育实践和政策提供科学证据,并以教育工作者可以使用的方式分享这些证据, parents, policymakers, researchers, and the public. 本申请邀请对教育科学研究培训项目(研究培训)有贡献的培训项目申请。. 在2023财年,本次竞赛将接受以下两个项目的培训申请:
  • 少数族裔服务机构教师早期职业指导计划(早期职业指导) Program)
  • 面向教育研究者的数据科学方法培训(方法培训计划)
USDE | NCER使用纵向数据支持州教育政策制定
$100K - $333K
Deadline: September 8, 2022

本申请邀请申请将有助于其使用纵向数据来支持州教育政策制定(使用数据进行政策制定)赠款计划的项目. For FY 2023, “利用数据制定政策”资助项目将通过重点理解和支持受机会和成绩差距影响的学习者,支持解决教育公平问题的研究.

USDE | NCER Special Education Research
Deadline: September 8, 2022

This competition encourages a broad range of research, 包括可能有多个研究重点的研究(如阅读和行为),可能广泛关注残疾学生或特定残疾(如自闭症谱系障碍)的研究。. The range of research supported through this program includes, but is not limited to, programs to improve child development and school readiness; academic and/or behavioral interventions; instructional practices and/or professional development programs for teachers and other school-based personnel; strategies for improving the family support and engagement critical to the success of students with disabilities; policies and systems-level interventions and programs to address school finance, school-community collaborations, or school structures that affect educational progress for students with disabilities; transition from secondary school to postsecondary education, career, and/or independent living; as well as access to, persistence in, and completion of postsecondary education.

USDE | NCER Research Training Programs in Special Education
Deadline: September 8, 2022
For the FY 2023 competition, 申请只接受早期职业发展和指导(早期职业)计划. 早期职业计划为在学术生涯早期阶段对特殊教育研究感兴趣的研究人员提供综合研究和职业发展计划支持, 最终目标是开展独立的研究事业,专注于有残疾或有残疾风险的学习者.

NEH | Archaeological and Ethnographic Field Research
≤ $150K
Deadlines: September 28, 2022 and September 28, 2023

该计划的目的是为在美国或国外进行实证研究提供资金,以回答对人文科学重要的问题. 而通过出版物和其他媒体传播结果是这些奖项的最终期望, the program supports field costs such as travel, accommodation, field staff and equipment, 项目负责人和合作学者的薪酬补偿.

NSF | Engineering Research Initiation (ERI)
NSF 22-595: $200K
Deadline: October 22, 2022


NSF 22-604: $100K-$250K
Deadline: January 26, 2023
这些赠款旨在支持MPS的主要研究人员,为他们提供LEAPS资金将使PI能够随后向传统机构提交成功的提案, already-existing NSF funding opportunity, such as individual investigator programs, CAREER competitions, etc. By providing this funding opportunity, MPS旨在帮助那些试图开始他们的研究生涯的研究人员启动可行的独立研究计划,这样,在通过该机制启动的研究基础上,leap -MPS奖励之后会有竞争性的资助提交.

NSF | Mid-Career Advancement
NSF 22-603 - Funding: Varies across disciplinary research programs.
Deadline: March 1, 2023
MCA是NSF唯一的跨部门项目,旨在为处于职业生涯中期的科学家和工程师提供受保护的时间和资源. 参与生物科学理事会(BIO)的项目, Geosciences (GEO), Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE), and Education and Human Resources (EHR) will accept MCA proposals. 帮助确定应在其中审查MCA的纪律程序, 项目负责人应调查不同部门和参与项目支持的研究领域.
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San Jose State University
One Washington Square
San Jose, CA 95192



Last Updated Jul 12, 2022