
Are you interested in incorporating sustainability into your teaching curriculum?


Recording of Sustainability 课程开发 Workshop

The Sustainability 课程开发 Workshop is offered every semester to share resources, best practices and examples on how to incorporate sustainability into existing 课程. 点击 在这里 查看最新的录音! See below of examples of developed sustainability focused 课程!

Roni Abusaad博士.D. 司法研究 联署材料171-人权和正义  Interdisciplinary exploration of human rights instruments, institutions, and notable 人权运动. The historical development of human rights and contemporary threats to the realization of fundamental dignity for human and non-human animals 也会被探讨.  
塞蕾娜·亚历山大博士.D. 城市及区域规划 URBP 260-环境规划专题 In-depth examination of selected topics specifically related to environmental planning.  
Dr. Tridha Chatterjee & Dr. 玲子Kataoka 语言学 & 语言发展 LING 123-声音和通信 The course, which examines different types of animal communication systems and ways that communication helps animals to survive and reproduce. 通过研究环境 destruction caused by human activities negatively impacts animal communication and seeking ways to undo such harms, this assignment gives students the opportunity to explore actionable steps towards sustainable futures w在这里 humans and other organisms 会在互利的生态系统中共存吗.  
玛丽·康罗伊 儿童及青少年发展 ChAD 161-早期儿童计划的管理 The methods, procedures, and practices discussed in this course are grounded in theories of child development and research in the areas of social/emotional and cognitive development; theories of learning and motivation ; research on contextual influences on development (e.g. child care, family, community); parental involvement; and the 管理 of 早期课程设计与实施.  
约翰Delacruz lol菠菜网正规平台与大众传播

ADV 132-广告的UX和UI设计

学生 work through the human centered design process and engage in user experience 设计研究方法和实践. They are provided with resources on ocean sustainability and they produce a Spark report on their sustainability research and its relationship 他们的uxuui方面的练习. 目的是让学生参与实践 and craft alongside a core, deep understanding of issues.  
刁明辉,博士.D. 气象与气候科学 METR 112-全球气候变化 This course introduces students to the science of global climate change including how the interactions among the various elements in the earth’s ecosystem have affected past climates, are shaping today’s climate and will impact future climate.  
尹忠汉博士.D. 设计 DSGD 104-平面设计导论 熟悉表单和消息开发. 强调视觉概念和基础 设计理论.  
黄英华,博士.D. 酒店,旅游和活动管理 bus2130 -市场营销入门 This course provides students with a broad background on the nature and scope of marketing 商业中使用的概念. 学生将探索市场营销的作用 the organization and within the external environment in which firms must operate.  
伊迪丝·金尼,J.D., Ph.D. 司法研究 JS 171-人权 & 正义 Interdisciplinary exploration of human rights instruments, institutions, and notable 人权运动. The historical development of human rights and contemporary threats to the realization of fundamental dignity for humans and non-humans will also 探索.  
Faranak Memarzadeh博士.D. 酒店,旅游和活动管理 HTEM 155-可持续招待 & 旅游业务 Concepts and principles of sustainable operations as applied to hospitality and tourism 组织. Topics include socio-cultural, economic, and environmental dimensions of sustainable development, the positive and negative impacts of development, corporate social responsibility, and current trends/issues related to sustainable operations.  
A. 威廉·马斯格雷夫博士.D. 全球创新与领导学院 bus5187 -业务的全球维度 The course introduces students to the political, economic and social consequences 市场和产业的全球化. 主题包括基本理论 foundations of international trade and finance, a discussion of the role of national cultures on business practices, an analysis of the growing integration of economies and a discussion of changes in emerging and developed countries.  
欧成杰博士.D. 人类学 ANTH 115-新兴的全球文化 Introduction to systems concepts and approach as a way to investigate the global impacts of industrial technology on political, economic, social and moral/psychological structures 人类的.  
朱迪斯·兰德尔.D.,Ph.D. 司法研究 JS 158-监狱社区 Analysis of formal and informal systems of organization and interaction among incarcerated 人员和职员. Effects of the social structure and external system on the organization 监狱社区的成员.  
丹尼尔·里弗斯博士.D. 人文学科 AMS 159-自然与世界文化 This course offers a reading timeline along with a set of research, writing, and analysis activities that expose students to interdisciplinary and transcultural studies of fire: both as an environmental/scientific phenomenon, and also as a cultural technology.  
Kohar斯科特 设计 DSID 4-材料和制造 学生 were asked to design products that utilize sustainable materials and manufacturing methods that could support the Spartan 食物 Pantry and decrease single-use packaging 浪费.  
托马斯·雪莉 全球创新与领导学院 bus516 -领导与创新导论 This interdisciplinary course covers basic theories of leadership and innovation and investigates key topics that influence contemporary social leadership issues. 学生 assess their leadership styles to create personal development plans leading toward 对社会产生积极、创新的影响.  
史天勤博士.D. 全球创新与领导学院 bus5142 -全面质量管理  Holistic approach to managing quality: interaction of production design, work design 以及生产过程. International view and roles qualitative and quantitative techniques play in successful quality 管理 programs.   
切尔西Thompto 艺术与艺术史

ART 109- Web开发

Through both conceptual readings/context as well as hands-on practice, this course introduces students to the concept of sustainability in web development and gives the tools and resources to practice it in a hands-on, project-based learning environment.  
Igor Tyukhov博士.D. 机械工程 me115 -热工程实验室 热力学和传热实验. 温度、压力和流量 测量. 技术报告和演示.  
周明博士.D. 供应链管理 bus5144 -供应链管理 Addresses concepts/tools for effective and efficient 管理 of supply chains. Topics include materials planning/control, sourcing strategy, strategic alliances, 资讯科技角色, 质量/客户问题, 库存管理, 和销售/物流 管理.