研究生 度

Justice Studies, MS

M.S. Justice Studies program prepares graduates for careers in criminal justice administration, research and policy centers, public institutions, community organizations, and nonprofit agencies, as well as for doctoral programs and research positions in public agencies.

Read the Justice Studies, MS requirements

Criminology, Global Criminology Concentration, MS

The Department of Justice Studies at San José State University offers an online Master of 科学 in Criminology with a Concentration in Global Criminology designed to adapt to the ever-changing environment of the justice and legal systems, and the discipline 犯罪学. It uniquely combines advanced study of contemporary international crime and the various responses to crime around the globe with analytic and research techniques used by advanced scholars. It provides an international comparative curriculum that develops analytical skills, understanding of legal concepts, theoretical competency, and abilities to apply criminology in practical ways. It aims to equip graduates with a truly global outlook on crime and criminal justice, a commitment to international justice, and professional competencies to apply practices from around the globe to meet the particular needs of their communities.

Read the Criminology, MS requirements