Precalculus Proficiency Assessment

About the PPA

The Precalculus Proficiency Assessment (PPA), formerly known as the Calculus Placement Exam (CPE), is one way that students may show readiness for advanced mathematics courses. 菠菜网lol正规平台's PPA is conducted through ALEKS PPL, an adaptive online program to map student's abilities through assessments and knowledge checks.

ALEKS PPL test cycles begin in early March (for summer/fall) and early October (for winter/spring), to be completed in time for enrollment. They close shortly after the deadline to add classes each semester.

There is preliminary work which must be completed on your own in advance before you test. Plan ahead so that you have time to complete the test at least a week ahead of any deadlines.

Who Needs the PPA / Instructions

Depending on your major course of study (more info here), some students must take the PPA if there are no other qualifying scores or coursework in your record.  You may opt to take the PPA even if you are waiting on other transcripts and/or test scores to arrive, to ensure that you will be able to enroll in classes. If you plan to take Pre-Calculus before Calculus, you do not need to take the PPA. Consult your admissions advisor for more information. 


Special Circumstances