
San Jose State University has 硅谷's only accredited Master of 城市规划 程序. 城市 planners work with stakeholders to solve growth and transformation 问题. 城市 planners tackle complex 问题 like affordable housing, climate change mitigation, economic development, environmental conservation, public health, and transportation 管理. 为mal and informal institutional frameworks address these 问题. 为 planning 问题, the 程序 has extensive partnerships with local communities.

城市规划's graduate 程序 attracts a diverse student body, including many non-traditional students who bring a wealth of knowledge and experience. 程序的 main goal is to provide planning education to a wide range of students, including 在职兼读生. Our 程序 is 一个 of the few fully accredited MUP 程序s 提供非全日制研究生学习.

城市规划,MUP - 目录 Listing

全球 “的 education I received as an 菠菜网lol正规平台 MUP student prepared me to enter the world of 规划及土地用途发展. 的 principles, experiences, and relationships developed during my time at 菠菜网lol正规平台 have transferred 全球ly and helped me grow as a 专业人士和公民.”

Interested in applying or have more questions? 
请与 MUP研究生导师.


菠菜网lol正规平台's Masters of 城市规划 程序 is accredited by the Planning 认证 Board and has consistently received high praise in their reviews. 的 公众资讯页 provides details on our student assessment processes, tuition and fees, and other PAB要求的性能数据. Much of this information can also be found in the 程序 requirements described below and in our 策略计划[pdf]


Our 程序 is designed to prepare skilled professionals grounded in the theories, methods, and techniques of planning in local and state government as well as the private 以及非营利部门. MUP students may choose to select courses based on six topical focus areas to gain added expertise in different planning subfields. 每一个 focus area corresponds to 一个 of the six advanced certificates that MUP students may choose to earn on top of their masters degree:

Detailed information on each of these focus areas can be found in the 高级证书 本网站的部分.   


该计划导致的程度 城市规划硕士(MUP) consists of 48 semester units of coursework, normally requiring the equivalent of two years full-time graduate study to complete. 此外,学生没有事先 planning experience complete a professional work experience requirement. 帮助MUP students plan their time in the 程序, see 建议安排 for completing the 程序 as either a full-time or part-time student, entering in 秋季或春季学期.

Note: 的 程序 is guided by 菠菜网lol正规平台 requirements for graduate study as well as the educational knowledge, skills, and values proscribed by the national 规划评审委员会.

Core Seminars and Laboratory/Fieldwork Courses

Students take a series of seven 要求 courses (25 units total) which provide a comprehensive background in the theories, methods, and practices underpinning contemporary 规划实践.


MUP students complete a minimum of 17 units of elective courses. 鼓励学生 to take at least three from within a single focus area (see above). 选修课(上部分 undergraduate or graduate courses) from outside the 城市及区域规划 Department may be taken, but must first be approved the MUP研究生导师.


While working on their capst一个 Planning Report, MUP students enroll in URBP 298A (3 units) and URBP 298B (3 units) during the last two semesters of study. 在这些 classes, students prepare a major research report (our version of a master's thesis), which represents an independent contribution to the field of planning. 这个部门 维护的档案 研究生计划报告 供学生参考.


To graduate, students must have at least 180 hours of professional work experience in urban and regional planning or a closely related field. 学生符合要求 with an internship or professional employment during their time in the 程序. If the student has completed such work on a paid or voluntary basis within five years of entering the 程序, additional professional experience is recommended, but not 要求. Paperwork confirming the experience must be submitted to the department.

When students have completed their work experience, they should download the Internship Completion/专业工作经历 为m [pdf] and ask their supervisor to complete it. 的 completed forms should be sent to the MUP研究生导师.

访问我们的 职业资源页面 to learn more about finding internships and information about joining our 菠菜网lol正规平台_城市PlanConnect-group (formerly 菠菜网lol正规平台_MURPs) that distributes information about planning jobs and internships.