
菠菜网lol正规平台的早期儿童研究所成立了一个顾问委员会 in many ways to the vision, mission, and goals of ECI. Members of the board guide 我们的宣传工作,反馈我们的早期学习和护理培训和教育 programs, and inform areas for future research. We appreciate their collective dedication, 专业知识,并对我们的工作和整个早期教育领域产生积极影响.

Araceli Delgado-Ortiz

Araceli Delgado-Ortiz

在过去15年的职业生涯中,Araceli一直专注于儿童早期教育领域 development and community and family engagement. As the San José Public Library’s 早期教育经理,Araceli领导设计和实施了多个, 为婴幼儿、学步儿童和学龄前儿童提供高质量的早期学习和发展计划 孩子们, and their caregivers. Providing equitable access to early learning opportunities has long been at the core of her work. In the diverse city of San José, Araceli leads 满足儿童和照顾者需求的编程,通过镜头 所有儿童在家庭、文化、社区和社会环境中得到最好的支持 社会. Araceli不仅致力于为圣何塞居民提供服务, 但要给他们提供想法、技能和支持,让他们成为家庭的领导者 和社区.



Dr. 卡拉·布莱恩特拥有30多年的国家级文化创作经验 全面早期学习的政策、计划和程序,P-3, elementary, family support and after-school programs. She is the creator of the District 创新和领导的早期教育,加州人的倡议,致力于 to 教育 Foundation. The initiative focus is to support school districts succeed 创建和实施有效的早期学习结构,帮助儿童 从社会,政治和货币资本较少的社区建立一个强大的 educational foundation.  



代表学生对幼儿的兴趣,ESAN领导团队参与其中 in the ECI 咨询委员会. ESAN is a student-run organization with the purpose of 创建一个跨学科的圣何塞州立大学学生网络 and alumni working in the field of early childhood. The group is intended to respond to the needs of students, with activities based on student interest. This hub of student 活动下可从事各种专业发展活动 guidance of a 教师 advisor. 

Eula Idemoto

Eula Idemoto

Eula作为一名早期儿童教育家、导师和倡导者已经有10多年了. 她曾在公立、私立和非营利幼儿园和课后项目任教, serving many diverse populations. In her role at FIRST 5, she supports the service 在圣克拉拉的25个家庭资源中心提供全儿童全家庭服务 县. She is also a member of the organization’s government alliance on racial equity 小组识别,命名和解决内部的结构性种族主义和不平等 和外部. Eula serves on the local planning council as co-chair of the workforce development committee. In her spare time, she volunteers with local organizations 包括圣何塞坚强,家庭支持住房和SIREN,并被命名为社区 Advocate of the Year by SIREN in 2019. She enjoys playing ice hockey with her all-Filipina 她和丈夫一起骑自行车旅行,带着他们的柯基犬Data散步.


Kimberly Brenneman

金伯利·布伦尼曼(Kimberly Brenneman)是海辛-西蒙斯基金会的教育项目官员. 在2015年加入基金会之前,金伯利是罗格斯大学的研究人员 国立早期教育研究所,她在那里领导了一些项目 注重课程和教学实践,培养科学、技术、工程、 and mathematics learning for young 孩子们 in school and home settings. As an educational 顾问,金伯利为教育媒体资源的发展做出了贡献 to support preschool-aged math and science learners. 

Matthew Tinsley

Matthew Tinsley

马特·廷斯利(Matt Tinsley)是圣克拉拉县教育办公室“强势启动”项目的负责人, 建立多部门联盟,扩大获得高质量早期学习机会的机会 for all 孩子们 in Santa Clara 县, ages 0 - 8. Dr. Tinsley leads multi-sector, 多机构项目,扩大儿童高质量的早期学习机会 和家庭. He has expertise in collaborative leadership, collective impact, early 儿童教育计划和政策,设施融资,拨款写作,以及 strategic planning. He is an alumnus of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Culture of Health Leaders executive development program.



内尔·瑞丹尼尔在儿童早期教育项目工作了20多年 八年. She also has experience working with school age and middle school age 孩子们. Nell is currently working as an Early Preschool Lead Teacher at Bright Horizons. 她拥有Foothill 大学的儿童发展学士学位,目前是 working on her BA at Pacific Oaks 大学. Nell is the current President and State 加州教育协会圣克拉拉谷分会主任 of Young Children (CAAEYC). She has been an active member of CAAEYC and NAEYC since 2014. Nell works on building connections with early childhood programs and providing resources and professional development for educators, parents, and organizations. Nell任职于圣克鲁斯大学硅谷推广顾问委员会 他们的早期儿童教育证书课程和在山麓学院 Child Development and 教育 Department 咨询委员会. 



史黛西Gleixner是西谷大学教务长兼学术事务副校长 大学. 她专注于消除性别差距,并确保西谷的学者 meet student, workforce and community needs. Prior to this role, she served as the 圣何塞州立大学负责学生和教师成功的副校长. 她领导了60多名教务人员,为学生提供支持和发展 教师. She led university wide initiatives to increase 菠菜网lol正规平台’s retention and graduation rates and eliminate the equity gap. She also served as the Chief of 工作人员 to the President. 作为参谋长,她建立并维护了校园之间的牢固关系, 社区和总统办公室经历了多次领导换届. 此外,她还在总统的内阁任职,并与副总统一起工作 在许多跨部门项目中,包括担任项目经理 campus wide diversity and inclusion initiative.



Tena斯隆, LMFT, IFECMHS/RFP-II,是一名持牌治疗师,拥有硕士学位 in Marriage and Family Therapy. She is currently Vice President of Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation and 培训 at Kidango. Tena is a fellow of the University 马萨诸塞州婴儿-父母心理健康研究生项目共同开发和 由博士领导. Kristie Brandt and Ed Tronick. She also is endorsed in California as an Infant Family Early Childhood Specialist and Reflective Practice Facilitator II. At Kidango, Tena和她的团队为早期教育工作者提供咨询和培训 旨在培养积极和包容的环境的家庭 social-emotional health of all 孩子们 in classroom and home settings. 这是高度 作为服务提供者、早期教育者和家庭需要合作 携手共进,以促进积极的心理健康和福祉为坚实基础 for 孩子们, as well as being responsive to mental health concerns. 作为她的一部分 在Kidango的工作中,Tena参与了与儿童早期有关的宣传和政策 mental health within early care settings in California. She’s also involved in research on the impact of early childhood mental health consultation.