Hazardous Materials and Waste Disposal

有关这些项目的信息或危险废物的收集和处置,请联系 环境健康与安全办公室408-924-2152或电子邮件大卫格里菲斯 at david.griffith@piiotasinfonia.com

Hazardous Materials

有害物质是至少表现出以下四种特征之一的物质 (腐蚀性、可燃性、反应性、毒性)或特别列为危险的 由联邦环境保护局,加州环境保护局,或加州有毒物质部门 物质控制(DTSC),都建立了最低要求 在所有工作场所使用、处理和储存有害物质. Hazardous 来自大学运作的材料,包括实验室,必须得到管理 按照有害物质管理手册的程序.

Hazardous Waste

由于有害接触的潜在风险,危险废物受到两者的管制 federal and state law. All hazardous waste must immediately be properly identified with an 菠菜网lol正规平台 Hazardous Waste Label [pdf]. 至少,标签必须包括:“危险废物”,堆积 开学日期,菠菜网lol正规平台的名称和地址(华盛顿广场一号),化学成分和 Physical State, and Hazardous Properties. Write a Full Date on the label once a container is full. 菠菜网lol正规平台 has one (1) year from the Accumulation Start Date to dispose. Pickup 是否最迟在9个月左右进行协调以确保有足够的时间 to dispose. Containers used to accumulate hazardous waste must be: Compatible with 箱内的物料应完好无损,密封封口适当; 不以任何方式妥协,适当的大小,必须放在次要 containment.

的定义、处理和处置选项等详细信息 在菠菜网lol正规平台实验室和其他化学使用区域发现的废物类型,请参阅 Waste Disposal Guide for 菠菜网lol正规平台 Laboratories [pdf].

Laboratory Waste

该大学遵守州和联邦法规,以尽量减少有害物质的数量 waste generated by the campus. Laboratories are a common place where hazardous materials and waste are found. Understanding more about Laboratory Chemical Management for Waste Reduction will help in complying with these regulations.

Medical/Bio-Hazardous Waste

菠菜网lol正规平台在圣克拉拉县部门注册为医疗废物产生者 of Environmental Health. Consistent with regulations, 菠菜网lol正规平台 has a medical waste management 根据1990年《lol菠菜网正规平台》制定的计划 20, Chapter 6.1 of the California Health and Safety Code. Medical waste may include 动物尸体,培养物和牲畜,人类血液,血液制品,组织,细胞 线条和体液,重组DNA,传染性病原体和利器. They are 通常包装在红色袋子和锋利的容器中运输和处理. Contact the Environmental Compliance Specialist at FD&O for more information regarding what constitutes medical / bio-hazardous waste, or the Santa Clara County website on Medical Waste.

Universal Waste

环境合规专家协调所有通用的安全回收 wastes. 这些物品包括废旧电池(锂、氧化汞、镍镉、 氧化银,酸性铅,碱性),使用的灯具(荧光灯管,高强度 放电- hid,高压钠灯,白炽灯,LED,汞蒸气,金属卤化物, 霓虹灯,紫外线),非PCB(多氯联苯)和PCB光镇流器(有害) waste), computers/monitors, and electrical/electronic equipment. Contact the Hazardous 材料专家的信息处理通用废物,或查看 DTSC Universal Waste Website.

Chemical Labels - GHS/NFPA/HMIS

化学品或产品容器上的标签是菠菜网lol正规平台危险沟通的重要组成部分 Program. 全球统一制度(GHS)是首选的分类制度 and labelling at 菠菜网lol正规平台. Together with Safety Data Sheets (SDS, formerly MSDS), chemical 标签为员工提供安全工作所需的信息,包括信息 关于应使用的防护装备和应使用的程序 be followed. These labels indicate a chemical's identity, the manufacturer, chemical hazard information, and human/environmental protective information. Additional information 是否有关于工作中常用的各种化学标签 safety information regarding the chemical.

Pollution Prevention

菠菜网lol正规平台 is committed to the protection of human health and the environment. Campus users 必须确定是否可以避免使用特定的危险化学品或产品 altogether. If not, can it be substitued with a less hazardous alternative? If not, 是否可以改变使用化学品或产品的过程以减少体积 and toxicity of the waste the process produces? Reducing volumes and toxicity likely 降低了处理成本,并通过减少工人接触提高了工人的安全 risks. 当必须使用危险化学品或产品时,上海外国语大学旨在减少处置 quantities through alternative disposal methods, such as recycling. Examples of materials 通过校园回收管理的包括铅、汞设备(温度计)、 monometers, baromoeters), and silver-containing films. These items are diverted from disposal via recycling and will ultimately be reused in new products. 

Safety Data Sheet

安全数据表(SDS)提供了一系列关于危险和 safe use of a specific chemical or mixture of chemicals. Chemical manufacturers provide a copy of the SDS for the chemical at the time of purchase. The Safety and Risk Services 单元可以协助提供有关如何阅读和理解SDS的信息. In 此外,员工可以从制造商处获取或检索SDS的副本 one online at MSD Online HQ.

Toxic Gases

有毒气瓶(讲座用气瓶/气瓶)的储存、使用、处理及弃置 should meet all Toxic Gas Ordinance and corresponding CFC requirements. Cylinders are stored when not in use. Please inform Environmental Health & Safety before any toxic gas is purchased. Information on exempted quantities and the list of toxic gases is available from Environmental Health and Safety or the DTSC Poisonous Gas  List [pdf].

Waste Minimization

有用但不再需要的化学品和消费品包含在不受影响的 有清晰标签的容器在处理前应考虑重新使用 as waste off campus. First, check with your 菠菜网lol正规平台 neighbors, department heads, and 菠菜网lol正规平台环境资源中心(ERC),看看是否有人可以使用这些多余的垃圾 materials. 如果无法确定新家,请联系环境健康与安全部门 报告化学品和消费品可重复使用. Please 提供数量,制造商名称,产品类型,产品编号,以及任何相关信息 information you can provide.

Waste-Producing Operations

教职员工和管理人员必须为适当的管理做好准备 他们执行或监督的校园活动产生的所有危险废物. Nearly all uses of hazardous materials generate hazardous waste. Even the use of non-hazardous materials may result in the generation of hazardous waste. Plans must be in place 考虑到有害废物的产生和适当的培训必须提供给 all people creating or managing hazardous waste. Department Administrators and EHS 能否协助制定过程特定计划以确保符合 applicable safety and regulatory rules and regulations.