Safety Committee

Joint Bargaining Unit Safety Committee

The Environmental Health and Safety Office chairs a quarterly safety committee open to representatives from each collective bargaining unit on campus (Units 1-9 and 11). A representative from each of the Units listed below is encouraged to attend.  

  • Unit 1
    • Union of American Physicians and Dentists (UAPD)
  • Unit 2, 5, 7 and 9
    • California State University Employees Union (CSUEU)
  • Unit 3
    • California Faculty Association (CFA)
  • Unit 4
    • Academic Professionals of California (APC)
  • Unit 6
    • Teamsters Local 2010
  • Unit 8
    • Statewide University Police Association (SUPA)
  • Unit 11
    • Academic Student Employees (UAW)

Committee Charter

The Committee Charter [pdf] is available on this webpage along with the meeting minutes. If you have any questions about the Committee or would like to add something to the meeting agenda, please contact Matt Nymeyer @ 4-1969 or

Meeting Minutes