2021 亲密伴侣 and Domestic Violence Awareness Month

亲密伴侣 & 家庭暴力宣传月2021年10月.
Every October is devoted to bringing awareness to 亲密伴侣 and Domestic Violence (IPDVAM). This is achieved through educational programs, workshops, and online campaigns. The intention is to empower our campus community to work towards ending gender based violence. We all deserve to be respected, to be treated with dignity, and a life free of violence. 

For more information on resources, please scroll to the bottom of this webpage.


Social Media 

Follow us on social media to stay updated and interact with us! 

@sjsugenec @sjsuwellness @sjsupride @sjsuconductcrew




Wear purple to show support and tell us why you are in solidarity about this issue. Post on social media and remember to use #sjsuipdvam and #sjsupurpletuesday

If you don't have purple but still want to engage, here are some 菠菜网lol正规平台 IPDVAM 社交媒体选项,甚至缩放.




Date: Weekly on Wednesdays, Starting September 29, 2021


主持人:Chelle Tran博士.D. & 鸟叔Stephanie Preston.D.

Do you want to improve your relationships, enhance communication, or learn more about 一般的关系风格和模式? 这个小组是关于关系的 all kinds (friendships, dating, romantic/sexual/intimate/emotional, platonic, crushes, family, etc.), how we draw these lines, and why we act the way we do in them. Join us in supportive conversation across a broad range of topics that will help you deepen 扩展你对人际关系的看法.

Topics may include: sex/STIs/consent, attachment styles, communication, how to embrace your “No”, non-monogamy/alternative relationships, boundaries/deal-breakers/agreements, how to better know yourself/your motivations/what you want, etc. 顾问推荐 或需要预先筛选(无临时预约).

Please contact CAPS at (408) 924-5910 for more information if interested in the group.


大道上的紫色星期二! IPDVAM Launch 



时间:11:00 - 1:00

In-person location: 7th Street Plaza in front of the Student Wellness Center

加入我们,共同发起IPDV宣传月! 这将是第一个#菠菜网lol正规平台PurpleTuesday of the month. We will be giving away FREE t-shirts and campus resources. You can also join us for our annual event, Don’t Touch My Pumpkins, where we decorate pumpkins 还有关于服装和同意的对话. 



议员Magdalena Carrasco办公室


Time: 5:30pm

现场位置:从Splash (Post St .)开始. & Lightston巷)


加入我们结束家庭暴力的游行吧. 为了纪念那些失去他们的 家庭暴力生活. There will be music, live performances, art, and a Resources Fair.

The walk will begin at 5:30 pm at the corner of Splash (Post St. & Lightston巷). From the corner, we will start walking towards the San Jose State Campus to take a brief intermission at the Olympic Black Power Statue. 从学校的校园我们 will walk towards our final destination at City Hall.

For more information on the event and the map of the walk, please visit the event website.




Dates: Mondays: October 11, October 18, November 1, November 8


Online: Registration & Zoom Link

Healthy relationships is a drop in workshop that addresses the myths and taboos on relationships, discusses healthy and unhealthy conflict as well as teaching different 沟通风格. We welcome any questions about relationships and offer a space to discuss the interpersonal relationships in your life.




Lambda Theta Alpha拉丁姐妹会. 和他们联系@lta_betaxi



Online: Zoom Link (密码:096522)

Engage with LTA with a quiz on Kahoot to learn the facts and myths about domestic violence



Santa Clara County Office of Gender Based Violence Prevention

Webinars will take place on October 15th and 22nd and will focus on Exploring the Intersections of Domestic Violence with other social issues, such as homelessness, human trafficking, LGBTQ rights, and sexual assault.

Because intimate partner violence is such a complex issue, the solutions must also be complex – requiring community-specific strategies to promote health, wellness, 以及多元化人口中的领导力.  参加者将获得具体资料 tools and frameworks for understanding how to effectively engage in the work and cultivate strong communities with an overarching culture of safety, equity, and respect. 

周五,2021年10月15日| 9:30 - 3:00 pm 
周五,2021年10月22日| 9:30 - 3:00 pm 

这个事件是虚拟的. 更多信息和注册请访问: www.sccgov.org/dvconference


  • Exploring the Intersections of Gender-Based Violence and Homelessness
  • Overcoming the Impact of Domestic Violence by Economic Empowerment
  • Coercive Control in the Law: Origins and Implications of SB 1141




Women Wellness Domestic Violence Awareness Workshop

菠菜网lol正规平台女性健康. 在IG @上与他们联系sjsu_ww


时间:下午5:30 - 6:30 

Online: Zoom Link

An informational and interactive workshop recognizing the dynamics of domestic violence (DV) and highlighting the different ways in which DV occurs within our communities and the way it impacts people from all walks of life. 了解常见的刻板印象 and misconceptions  about domestic violence and when and how you should intervene.






Online: 注册链接 

This workshop focuses on preventing unwanted vaginal pain during intercourse. The participants will learn about a number of methods ranging from free and at-home to 从商店买的,更晦涩. We will also include a section about communicating 一个人对现有伴侣和新伴侣的需求. 欢迎所有人,无论他们 have vaginas, are partners of such folks, and/or just want to learn more.



Co-Sponsored by 健康及促进健康, 性别平等中心, PRIDE Center, 辅导及心理服务, Student Conduct and Ethical Development