Frequently Asked Questions


What is child sexual abuse?

Child sexual abuse “occurs when a child is used as an object for the sexual gratification of an adult [or adolescent] through manipulation, exploitation, threats or physical force.施虐者不必与儿童进行身体接触.g. rape, molest) for an act to be defined as CSA; acts such as photographing a child for pornography 儿童遭受性虐待的方式还有哪些. CSA usually occurs in the home with someone the child trusts. CSA最普遍的形式是乱伦,当 abuser is related to the child.

What is dating violence?

Dating violence/relationship violence is a pattern of assaultive and coercive behaviors, including physical, sexual, verbal, psychological, sexual and emotional attacks that individuals use against their dating partners (ie: hitting, yelling, pushing, stealing 金钱、强奸、性侵犯、性骚扰等.). Dating violence often coincides with the isolation of one partner by another, be it through physical restraint, psychological isolation, or taking away mechanisms that would allow a partner to leave (like money or self-confidence). 约会暴力发生在所有类型的关系和人群中 所有的性别,性取向,能力,种族,年龄,婚姻状况等等. can be 约会暴力的施暴者和幸存者.

What are date rape drugs?

Date rape drugs are substances that are commonly used to intoxicate or drug people 以强奸或性侵犯为目的. There are many substances that fall into this category and they are often given to people orally without their knowledge 通过一些方法,比如把它们放进饮料里. People who are given date rape drugs often become very intoxicated, may lose consciousness, become dizzy and 失去同意性行为的能力. While some people take these or other 以毒品为娱乐,这是不同意的性行为. 与受药物影响的人发生性行为(无论他们是否服用药物) consensually) is defined by law as rape, regardless of the gender, sexuality, race, ability, marital status, age, etc. of the survivor or perpetrator.

What is sexual harassment?

Sexual harassment is coerced, unethical and/or unwanted sexual attention (including 言语骚扰、性要求、微妙暗示、强奸和性侵犯). 当上级(老师、雇主等)对你进行性骚扰时,就会发生“交换条件骚扰”.) causes someone to believe that they must submit to unwelcome sexual conduct in order to participate in a school or work activity. 敌意环境骚扰发生在不受欢迎的时候, 严重或持续的性骚扰行为 它会影响一个人在学校或工作中参与或进步的能力. By legal definition, sexual harassment is viewed in terms of the impact of the harassing behavior on an individual and not by the intent of the alleged perpetrator. 在评估事件是否构成性骚扰时 Ð ranging from a strict violation of law to a case of inappropriate behavior Ð consideration 是考虑到整个情况的吗. Sexual harassment is about powerÑunequal power relationships are often exploited or created by abusive behavior.

What is stalking?

Stalking is repeated following and/or harassment of another person with the intent 恐吓:威胁或恐吓被骚扰的人. Stalking is prolonged criminal behavior that endangers the person being stalked, their family, their friends, and 社会,也构成了其他类型的暴力威胁. Behavior requires repetition to qualify under most state statutes as stalking (usually 2 or more incidents). People can be stalked by strangers, former dating partners, relatives, acquaintances, 兄弟姐妹,以前的朋友,老师等等. 所有性别、性取向、种族的人, ages, abilities, marital statuses, etc. 可以是跟踪的幸存者还是施暴者.


Sexual assault is non-consensual sexual conduct, excluding rape, including but not limited to oral copulation, penetration by a foreign object, sexual touching/battery of a person's genitalia or other “sexual” areas, and attempted assault with the intent to commit rape. 所有性别、性取向、能力、种族、年龄、婚姻的人 statuses, etc. 可以是性侵犯的施暴者和幸存者吗.

强奸是一种未经双方同意的性交行为,包括性插入, under any of the following circumstances: 1) by force, violence, duress, menace or fear of immediate and unlawful bodily injury to the survivor or another; 2) by preventing resistance by any intoxicating and anesthetic substance (such as alcohol or drugs) and this condition was known or should have been known by the accused; 3) when a person is unconscious of the nature of the act and the rapist knows it; 4) when a person is incapable of giving legal consent because of a disorder, disability, intoxication, or is underage. 所有性别、性取向、婚姻状况、能力、种族、 ages, etc. 能成为强奸的施暴者和幸存者吗.

LGBTQ+ Frequently Asked Questions


Although our society often uses the two interchangeably, “gender” and “sex” are not the same.

What is sex?

A person's sex refers to one's biology, specifically to one's chromosomes, external 生殖器,第二性征(乳房发育,阴毛), and internal reproductive system. 性是一个历史上和医学上使用的术语 field to identify genetic/hormonal and physical characteristics that are used to classify 雌雄个体,雌雄个体,雌雄个体. 性别是你出生时的法定任务.

What is gender?

Gender is a set of socially constructed and assigned behaviors and identity patterns which are often perceived to be intertwined and/or equivalent to one's sexual biology. In fact, gender is constructed and fluidic, having multiple meanings across cultures, 地域、社区和个人. 虽然社会提倡二元性 观念认为人不是女人就是男人,有两种以上的性别.

Gender can be understood as having several components, including “Assigned Gender,” “性别表达”、“性别认同”和“性别角色”.”

What is gender identity?

性别认同是一个人对自己性别的认知. It is the inner sense of being a man, a woman, both, neither, two-spirit, multi-gender, bi-gender or another configuration of gender.

What is sexual orientation? What does LGBQ+ mean?

LGBQ代表:女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋和酷儿. LGBQ is a term used to refer to 这个社区是由这些不同的身份结合在一起的,因为 他们共同受到异性恋歧视,同性恋恐惧症和性别歧视的压迫. LGBQ people are represented in every socioeconomic class, education level, political affiliation, 年龄、宗教、种族和民族.

What does "queer" mean?

Queer has been used as...

  • 是女同性恋,男同性恋,双性恋,变性人群体的总称.
  • a political statement, as well as a sexual orientation, which advocates breaking binaries.
  • thinking by recognizing both sexual orientation and gender identity as potentially fluid.
  • 一个简单的标签来解释一组复杂的性行为和欲望. For example, 一个被多种性别所吸引的人可能被认为是酷儿.

What does "transgender" mean?

Transgender (sometimes shortened to trans or TG) refers to individuals whose gender identity does not conform with what society has commonly associated with their biological sex. 例如,一个人可能在解剖学上是女性(性别),并认同于 and have a masculine gender expression. 然而,并不是所有的跨性别者都适合 masculine/feminine binary. 相反,他们可能表达多种性别或表达一个 既非完全男性化也非完全女性化的独特性别. Transgender is also used as an umbrella term for a larger group of gender nonconforming people including 变性人、变装者、性别酷儿等等. It is important to acknowledge that not everyone who appears to fit under this definition of transgender identifies as such.

What does "intersex" mean?

Intersex (previously referred to as hermaphrodite) refers to a condition because of which an individual may have sex chromosomes, anatomy 或者生理上不被社会认为是男性或女性的标准. Intersex conditions are often visible at birth, but some develop later during puberty. There is no single “intersex body;” intersex encompasses a wide variety of conditions 除了被认为“不正常”之外,他们没有任何共同点 the medical establishment.

What is bisexuality?

Bisexuality (sometimes shortened to bi) refers to the possibility of being attracted to both men and women. 一个人表达自己双性恋的方式有很多种. 一些双性恋者对女性和男性都有同样的吸引力,而另一些双性恋者可能会有这样的经历 不同程度的吸引力在他们的一生中可能会改变. Identifying 双性恋并不意味着一个人对男性和女性都有性行为. Some people who are sexually active with both women and men may not identify as bisexual 因为性行为不一定决定一个人的性取向.

What is homophobia?

恐同症是对一个人真实或感知到的同性恋的非理性恐惧和不容忍 sexual orientation. 它可以由仇恨、偏见、恐惧和/或无知引起. Anti-gay violence and hatred created by homophobia are the causes for most hate crimes in the U.S. 恐同有不同的动机,但它总是导致伤害和排斥 of others.

What is heterosexism?

Assuming every person to be heterosexual therefore marginalizing persons who identify as LGBQ+. 它还认为异性恋比同性恋优越.

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