Community Based Learning Guidelines

To: Faculty

来自:埃琳娜·克劳,社区学习中心主任 & Leadership

Dear community engaged faculty,

Our realities have shifted rapidly and we must suspend all in-person service-learning 在公共卫生指南改变前保持联系. 

However, this is an opportunity for us to engage students in a way that allows them to reflect on the fundamental structures of society and the huge divides that determine our access to resources and support. 在社区学习和领导中心, we are shifting all trainings, outreach, and assessment efforts to a digital format for now.  使用社交媒体,关注我们的反暴力和“出去投票” campaigns generated by Students Demand Action, our upcoming "Visits with a Vet" recorded interviews by VET Connect, and ongoing recruiting for AmeriCorps Civic Action Fellows. 

Since our students love using social media and making videos, this is an easier transition for them than it is for most of us! 在得到允许的情况下,我将分享这些一流的指导方针 以及对社区学习新形式的建议 Jennifer Alkezweeny at Portland State University. 我已经修改和定制了这个列表,以解决我们的 needs at 菠菜网lol正规平台. 有许多有用的热链接包括,我想你会发现这一点 成为CBL的宝贵资源. 请允许学生服务的灵活性 hour requirements, assignments and timelines, while placing safety and public health as a first priority.


With great appreciation,
Elena Klaw, PhD

Professor, Psychology


面对COVID-19,当我们适应新的临时现实时,有很多 factors to consider when thinking about transitioning your Community Based Learning (CBL) Course to a remote environment.  虽然网上有很多CBL的例子 courses, those were often constructed over a longer period of time and could still 学生们是否在社区中积极地面对面交流. 

记住这种教与学的快速转换是可能的 uncharted 我们所有人的领地,包括你的学生和社区伙伴. High quality community based learning isn't about logging a certain number of hours, it is about 响应社区合作伙伴的需求. Perhaps at this time, the ultimate way to be engaged in the community is in ways that are grass-roots and emerging as the situation unfolds.  

Note, the information here does not supplant directives from the institution or government 关于保持社交距离,隔离和检疫.  This is simply a collection of ideas that might help keep your course community connected learning goals moving during this disruption.  用你最好的判断来决定下一步该怎么做.

Connect with your Community Partner(s)

Our community partners are also facing a disruption in their day to day operations. 在与他们接触时,请记住以下几点: 

Read their website

Read their website and social media posts to see what they have already shared about impacts. 它们可能完全关闭,只提供有限的服务,限制对外开放 contacts, etc. 要注意计划可能给学生带来的额外负担 以及可能有益的额外支持. 


See what the 信息传递给了社区组织 from the CDC.

Reach out to your partner contact

Reach out to your partner contact (email is likely best at this time, plan for delayed responses). 让他们了解上海外国语大学的课程现状. Come with an idea 考虑一下你的学生应该做些什么. During this time, 某些CBL活动可能适合正常进行. However, the vast majority involve person to person contact and will have to be shifted to remote forms of engagement.

Have an open conversation

对当前的变化进行开诚布公的对话.  Are there other needs they have 这与你通常的参与不同,可能对所有参与的人都有效? 

Make a plan

以某种方式推进学生参与. Again, think of all the parties involved.  当您与社区伙伴一起制定计划时,要考虑到新的现实情况 for your students.  继续阅读下面的文章,了解如何利用CBL变得更有创意 in this time.

你可能会决定暂时搁置CBL. Set a time with your partner where you will check back in. 而菠菜网lol正规平台目前计划在接下来的几周上线 of weeks, that could be extended. 你的合作伙伴组织也可能发生变化 restrictions. 决定好你什么时候回来,并保持计划的灵活性 对菠菜网lol正规平台和社区合作伙伴的影响. 

考虑与不同的伙伴联系. Consider other community partners and efforts that might need support. 按照同样的步骤检查他们并做出决定 plans.



Use this time with your students to learn about the impacts of the pandemic in community organizations. (请参阅下面的更多资源来指导这种反思).

CBL Remote in a Pinch with your Partner

If it is possible to transition to remote/online engagement with your community partner or a new partner, here are some ideas that might work with your course and partner needs: 


  • Conducting background research or gathering best practices or other information requested the partner(s)
  • Conduct online research on best practices or develop tools for program assessment 
  • Create a listing of grant opportunities that may be applicable for their organization
  • Remote interviewing current/past clients about their experiences, impact of the organization on where they are today

Content/Product Creation

  • 创建营销或社交媒体内容,供合作伙伴将来使用
  • 制作宣传册或其他信息共享材料
  • 制作生日卡片,送给当地的收容所或老年中心
  • Taping, recording, or streaming performances or workshops to benefit community partner(s)
  • Create a resource (build a website?)的课外活动 

Virtual Connecting

  • Provide support via phone or web based meetings with agency team member support to 被组织或社区其他人服务的人
  • Work with staff to share videos or use technology to continue visits with residents 或者是养老院的病人
  • 为青少年和成人提供虚拟或电话教育支持


  • Offer (or compiling, researching, or brainstorming) strategies that provide indirect 冠状病毒导致志愿者的支持
  • 为该组织写一篇积极的评论,以帮助他们的营销努力
  • Virtual Volunteering

There are many ways to do meaningful things for the common good or directly with other in a virtual way.

Reflection on COVID-19

From Loyola University: Leveraging the Learning Opportunity of a Global Health Situation

Analyze the COVID-19 outbreak and public responses to it (including changes in university policy) through a lens that is attentive to underlying structures of power and inequality

Offering students a conceptual framework (and a corresponding digital platform) that presents 'consciousness-raising' as a radical and transformational mode of social 改变(而不是“帮助”或“服务”本身)



It's possible that the best option for now is to not have students directly connected to the community. 如果是这样的话,有许多资源可以用于探索 与学生群体的概念. Here are just a few:

Discuss and reflect on the notion of community and the various forms it takes (recognized 501C3 Organizations, grassroots organizations, neighbor to neighbor connections, family and friends). 

Check out the Kanopy database through the MLK Library to see what streaming videos 他们可能有可用的资源来加强课程.  There are many wonderful documentaries 以及通过Kanopy提供的教育影片.

Explore the ideas around 社区参与和社会正义.

National Issues Forums 有大量的资源来探索各种各样的问题. You could have 学生阅读材料并参与在线讨论. The website has resources for how to structure the experience. 

Everyday Democracy 是否有一组可下载资源集中于社区变化. This includes 变革者的故事,工具,以及 democracy and equity reading list

利用学生的主动性和资源 California Humanities

Teach students how laws are created, help them discover who their elected officials are, have a discussion about the importance of advocating for what you believe in. 

想想哪些组织和企业受到了COVID-19的影响. Perhaps some of them would benefit from positive Google or Yelp reviews if the students have interacted with them? 

将学生与紧急资源组织联系起来,如 Red Cross, and Second Harvest Food Bank


  • Healthy people who can go to the grocery store for them and doorstep deliver groceries for them
  • 谷歌Hangout/Facetime聊天来抵消身体上的社交孤立
  • 为家里有孩子的家庭提供额外的工艺/艺术用品,书籍,视频
  • A kind note/letter to organizations serving communities of color who may be facing xenophobic reactions
  • 阻止仇外反应[pdf] on social media or in conversations
  • 给民选官员打电话或发电子邮件,代表他们在这段时间里的需求进行倡导
  • Check-ins with folks you know are living alone and/or are isolating or in quarantine
  • 感谢那些处于领导地位或处于不能领导地位的人 stay home.  
  • Quarantine Chat. 允许用户接收其他随机用户想要通话的电话. 

Other Related Resources

Credits from Jennifer Alkezweeny

非常感谢所有发布资源的人和组织. 我从这里的各种各样的,并尽可能直接链接. If 如果你看到什么需要更好的归属,请告诉我.

除了我自己的贡献外,以下是这些内容的一些来源: The Service-Learning Higher Education List Serve; Troy University; Portland Community College; PSU Office of Academic Innovation; Iowa Campus Compact; IUPUI; Loyola; GivePulse; 社区服务和服务学习专业人士Facebook组; and more!