
Sent: September 30, 2021

From: 文cent J. 德尔·卡西诺.他是教务长兼学术事务高级副校长

Dear Colleagues,

Yesterday, I sent a message to all faculty and staff in the division regarding a series 的推文. Dr. 伊丽莎白 Weiss from the Department of Anthropology wrote to me and asked that I “either formally withdraw the statement or publish mine, to the same 作为回应,你的邮件发送给的人/名单.下面是博士. Weiss’ unedited (but 稍微重新格式化)回复我的信息.




I am disappointed in your lack of reaching out to me and talking to me about this issue before posting your email. 我想指出几件事 在触及问题的核心之前: 

1) Handling remains with 手套 is only necessary if these remains have always been 在戴手套和其他无菌条件下进行处理. By the time I arrived at 菠菜网lol正规平台, in 2004, the collection had already been handled for many years, by many people without 手套. 现在戴上手套就像演戏一样. When those interested in DNA studies have reached out to me, I made it clear that these remains have been handled for literally decades before my arrival without 手套 and, thus, the DNA would need to be gotten through unbroken teeth. 

2)这张照片是我担任馆长期间拍摄的. Throughout the years, I have boxed, 重新装箱,并处理了这些遗骸. 在这种情况下,我没有参加策展 facility since COVID-19 ended my ability to work with students on the collection, so yes, I was genuinely happy to be back with the collection. 

3) 菠菜网lol正规平台 is in compliance with NAGPRA and CalNAGPRA, even though I am against repatriation -- as I have stated in many of my writings, as recently as a month ago in the Mercury News -- I have never not d一个 my job with regard to compliance issues. 

4) We have a culture of promoting the anthropology department and the collection; 这种文化一直围绕着有趣的图像. I have even gotten funding for this and helped promote human 多样性 by introducing people to the concept of skeletal 多样性. 的re have been promotional posters in which I have a similar pose. 这 has never been against university, college or departmental protocol. 不久前, as recently as 2019, this was celebrated (such as when I won the Warburton Award for excellence in scholarly activities in relation to my work on the collection). 它会让 a love of evolutionary anatomy, a love of anthropology, and a promotion of university 资源. 

5) 这 university curates 一个 of the finest (and last) teaching and research collections of skeletal remains in the US. 我们应该庆祝和利用这种资源, before it's g一个 forever. I use the collection to instil a love of b一个s in my students, and in - hopefully - the next generation of anthropologists and osteologists. 的 photo you refer to is entirely consistent with this love of b一个s, and with the spirit of inquiry I foster (for example, in the 2015 Smithsonian traveling exhibition "What Does it Mean to be Human?,我帮助把它带到湾区)。. 

We have no way of telling what the individuals whose remains we curate would think about this issue, but when 一个 looks at the Egyptian mummies, Otzi the iceman, or the bog bodies of northern Europe, public display celebrates these individuals, telling their stories in a respectful way that gives them a voice they never had in life. 的 same is true of our collection, and we should be celebrating the lives of these first occupants of 硅谷 - not allowing their voices to be silenced by a vociferous campaign orchestrated by woke activists whose strategy is to try to shut 压制辩论,宣扬迷信而不是科学.

Now, to the heart of the issue. 我一直是被取消预约的对象 attack for the last 10 months. 一开始是攻击我,想要我的书 banned (an effort that half of my colleagues encouraged), then it moved to deplatforming 我在美国考古协会的演讲. 最近,它有超过1200条评论 关于我在《菠菜网lol正规平台》上的专栏文章. 我被推特举报并接受调查 因为关于我的专栏的推特. 最后,这是对真正的 photo that celebrates our collection, my admiration for the collection, and my joy at being able to do my job. 在你发表了关于学术自由的强硬声明之后, I am disappointed that you were not courageous enough -- as those reporting on me -- to talk to me first, to have a rational discussion about these occurrences. 

Moving forward I request you either formally withdraw the statement or publish mine, to the same 作为回应,你的邮件发送给的人/名单.

伊丽莎白 Weiss, PhD
Professor of Anthropology