

菠菜网lol正规平台’s College of Humanities and Arts is uniquely positi一个d to exp和 “public” nature of the humanities because we encompass the Arts.  人文和艺术不是 that commonly placed into 一个 college, but this has become an opportunity to model the turning outward of the humanities which the performing and fine arts have traditionally d一个 through concerts, theatrical events, exhibitions, and senior shows. 因此, Arts models the outward turn which engages the university 社区 和 社区 beyond the campus walls, 和 Humanities models the making public of the introspective 这些学科的传统. By unifying our College through a vision of multi-layered interdisciplinarity, we have avoided 竞争 for resources by emphasizing collaboration in our funding initiative, 卓越艺术策划补助金.  This interdisciplinary practice and goals are represented in H & A在行动的焦点 on cross-disciplinary inquiry and 社区 engagement; we have encouraged faculty across the humanities and arts to invite the 社区 in, not just as observers but as contributors to and members of the conversation.

white background 与 black letters and a newspaper 与 bite taken out of it 艺术地理 digital humanities at sjsu spelled out in gold and blue blocks
深人文标志 可持续发展期货标志 共融倡议标志
圣何塞标志中的H和a 大流行病的标志 边界的标志

H&一个在 行动 is an initiative of the 人文艺术学院 to involve faculty, students, 和 surrounding off-campus 社区 与 actively contested 问题, empirical observation, cutting-edge technologies, 和 sense of excitement that comes from 努力回答重要问题.

教师 can apply for grant opportunities to create engaging opportunities for students to participate in, attend, and build on exhibits, musical 和atrical performances, 社区 leadership, poetry readings, digital projects, roundtables, culinary demonstrations, 工作坊、电影节等等. 检查我们的 时事, 参与的故事,以及 2021 - 2022年的描述 即将发生的事件. 教师 are also invited to submit robust assignments as well as submit student work that engages 与 a yearly theme. 阅读更多关于 卓越艺术策划补助金课程的社区 学生奖励和教师津贴. 

学生 可以从我们的 参与 | 公共节目机会 how they might get their voices involved in the creation of these public projects. 然后,看看我们的 参与的故事 for all of the behind-the-scenes views of our public programming and how you might 参与. 学生作业可以由教师提交 课程的社区 竞争. 查看学生的获奖作品 大混乱 to see how faculty integrated these themes into their courses

社区 组织和个人可以访问我们的 H&在圣何塞 主动寻找教师合作伙伴或浏览我们的 时事 to mark your calendar for an interesting program (all open to the public). 加入我们的 社区活动: 艺术地理 (art kiosk pop-ups, nature walks 与 music, mural walking tours) or step into our 生活流 QuickBites论坛 for discussions on the most urgent news topics of the moment.

我们的 深厚的人文 & 艺术项目 offers an opportunity to dive into the current hot topics about technology while 可持续发展的未来 delves into the challenges of climate change, wildfires, and food scarcity. 包容倡议 grapples 与 racial equity and social justice that builds on our past year's engagement 与 无主之地. 最后, 支持 our initiatives 和 progress on the 5-year plan to build a new 数字人文中心,与博士合作. 马丁·路德·金. 图书馆.


我们的 goal is to make a seamless connection between rich programming provided in H&A and our students across and beyond humanities 和 arts to invigorate learning 通过所有学科. 我们将通过H激活功&A在行动将进一步 the intersection among the humanities, arts, and STEM fields, the development of technology 与in our region, 和 importance of public programming to exp和 attention to the values 与in the humanities and arts throughout the university 和 entire 社区. 

This kind of faculty-led, research-infused curriculum and programming, and specifically their connection, are the type of experiential learning opportunities that makes 菠菜网lol正规平台 more appealing to our first generation and underrepresented minority students. 订婚了 public programming, engaged research, engaged teaching, and outreach all offer an opportunity for first generation college students in this minority-serving institution to participate in hands-on activities that will increase rates of student retention and student engagement through collaborative assignments and projects, learning communities and common intellectual experiences, and experiential learning augmented by intercultural 在社区学习. 

  • 从实践经验中学习: Involve students 与 actively contested 问题, empirical observation, cutting-edge technologies, 和 sense of excitement that comes from working to answer important 问题.
  • 创新 & 好奇心: Leverage differences to fuel innovation, solve problems, and demonstrate curiosity, 韧性和坚韧.
  • 社会经验: Build on lived expertise of the surrounding 社区.
  • 全球意识: Create global awareness and an understanding of culture and context for facilitating 学科间的互动.
  • 社区的声音: Model amplifying 社区 voices and histories that might not otherwise be heard.
  • 跨学科性: Transform conversations about grand challenges (e.g.,环境,隐私问题, social media, cultural division, social justice) and break down divisions between 人文、艺术、社会和自然科学.