
Interested in reading more about Public 人文与艺术, see these helpful 集合.



  • "艺术 & 经济繁荣6" (Oct 2023) - In 2022, nonprofit arts and culture organizations and their audiences 创造了151美元.70亿美元的经济活动——73美元.30亿美元的开支, 哪一个杠杆化了额外的78美元.40亿美元的活动相关支出. 这种经济活动的影响是深远的.600万个工作岗位; 生成29美元.1 billion in tax revenue, and providing $101 billion in personal income 居民. AEP6 sends a strong signal that when we support the arts, we are investing 在经济和社区福利方面.
  • "新数据揭示了2019冠状病毒病期间成年人如何参与艺术活动," National Endowment for the Humanities (Oct 2023) - Between July 2021 and July 2022, more than half of all adults created and/or performed art—similar to findings in 2017, 这是上次调查的结果. 在同一时期,只有不到一半 of all adults attended in-person arts events, a significant drop from 2017. 一个单独的 survey shows that 82 percent of respondents watched or listened to arts activities 在2021年至2022年期间通过数字媒体. 
  • "加州艺术生态系统的公平挑战[pdf]" (Oct 2023) - The report provides information, root cause analyses, and recommendations to promote equity in a field in which the vast majority of financial resources go to a small percentage of organizations, and in which organizations centering Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) and rural organizations are significantly 在获得这些资源方面代表性不足. 字段扫描包括多个全州范围的 and national data sets to analyze arts organization funding in California and features an interactive geographic map of the distribution of arts organizations across the 状态.
  • "State and Local Policies that Fund the Humanities: A Clearinghouse [pdf]" National Humanities Alliance (Oct 2023) - This clearinghouse is designed to support advocates in identifying ways to increase funding for the humanities at the 状态 在地方层面. 
  • "记录公共人文学科对高等教育的影响,《菠菜网lol正规平台》(2023年5月)
  • "用艺术和艺术家创造更健康的地方[pdf]." The Kresge Foundation recently launched a new creative placemaking resource to 在与决策者会面时使用. 它概述了创造性方法是如何工作的,举例说明 从现场出发,采取行动步骤,加强创造性的本地解决方案. 
  • 在美国高校协会的最新报告中The Effects of Community-Based 参与ment in Higher 教育: What We Know and Questions 剩下的,” the authors focus on the effects of various forms of community-based and civic engagement in higher education, identifying positive outcomes across six broad areas: increased personal and social responsibility; development of positive mindsets and dispositions; improved graduation and retention rates; learning gains; improved intellectual and practical skills; and increased career-related skills.

文章 & 书


  • Aagje Swinnen, Amanda Kluveld和rensame van de Vall主编. 参与人文:重新思考艺术、文化和公共生活 (2022) is a new volume edited by Aagje Swinnen, Amanda Kluveld, and Renée van de 由阿姆斯特丹大学出版社出版. 这项工作提出了易于理解的情况 studies that demonstrate what humanities scholars contribute to concrete and pressing social debates about topics including adoption, dementia, hacking, and conservation. These “engaged” forms of humanities research reveal the continued importance of thinking 重新思考艺术、文化和公共生活的本质. 
  • 卡梅隆·卡蒂埃和安东尼·施拉格主编.公共艺术与参与的失败 (2022) is a new Routledge, Taylor and Francis volume edited by Cameron Cartiere and 安东尼·施拉格. The anthology brings together practicing artists, curators, activists, art writers, administrators, planners, and educators from around the world to offer differing perspectives on the many facets of failure in commissioning, planning, producing, evaluating, and engaging communities in the continually evolving field of art in the 公共领域. 该卷包括来自英国的案例研究,美国 States, China, Cuba, and Denmark, as well as discussions of digital public art 集合.
  • 苏珊娜·蕾西的编辑系列, 绘制地形:新类型公共艺术 (1994)和新类型公共艺术泰特博物馆的概览
  • 安娜·西姆斯和黛布拉·A. 卡斯蒂略,eds. 作为人的学者:公共影响的研究与教学. 康奈尔大学,2021年.
  • Susan Smulyan, ed. 做公共人文. 劳特利奇,2020.



  • 平台 is an open digital venue for exchanging new ideas about working with, researching, 关于建筑、空间和景观的教学和写作. 作为公共人文学科 venue committed to exploring urgent topics, 平台 has published Back To School 2022, a public humanities guide that showcases teachable articles they have previously published on pedagogy, social justice and equity, and creative solutions to precarity.

  • 社区参与与奖学金杂志

  • 《菠菜网lol正规平台》杂志 


菠菜网lol正规平台 offers other opportunities for service learning and engaging with the surrounding 为那些代表性不足或服务不足的社区提供服务.