公共工程 Curricular Community

blue background with public works

准备重返大气层, 大混乱包含项目,人文与艺术学院继续着探索、创造、 投资于人文和艺术的交叉授粉. 人文与艺术学院努力通过注入丰富课程 当前面临的问题,更大的社区和吸引学生通过展示 relevance of what they learn to their lives. We gather faculty and students around curricular communities with annual themes and initiatives within H&A在行动和 we recognize with awards select student creations.


H&A 课程的社区 are:

  • to offer the opportunity for students to explore a common experience (e.g.COVID-19) 在学术环境中;
  • 加强学生对艺术、人文、批判性思维、反思、 面对危机时的表达,当然都是生活中必不可少的工具 materials and assignments that explore various current themes;
  • to create an intellectual, artistic, and creative community among our students;
  • 为菠菜网lol正规平台社区和学生的创作提供一个展示平台 that result from signature assignments;
  • 为学生提供一个专业的机会来展示他们的专业知识 work to audiences beyond their professor and class; and,
  • 展示教师在指导学生工作方面的教学创新.


This year’s theme will explore H&A公共工程 and will lead our students to take a look at their communities and try to better 了解组成城市的物理结构和公共艺术作品 服务于它的居民,以及他们所讲述的知识、文化和社会 character of the community.

就像公用事业(水、电、气)和交通基础设施一样 这对当代社会的运作,人文和 艺术既提供了有益的润滑,也提供了有意义的精神提升 城市生活.

在一个城市里漫步,可以揭示很多关于过去和现在的居民,他们的习惯, 他们的挣扎和挑战,他们的功能解决方案和审美价值. 与自然环境不同,城市是由居民层层建造的 层层贯穿历史,每一层都透出人文、艺术、审美 时代特征. The architecture and ornamentation of the structures, the sculptures, 壁画和其他公共艺术作品,实物或数字,语言和符号学 景观创造的标志,城市规划与街道,道路,广场,广场 城市街区,行人和车辆交通,声音和气味 the bustle - all give clues about the culture of past inhabitants of the area and shape the lives of contemporary 一个s, t在这里by stimulating curiosity that leads to 学习.

为了使一个地区适合居住,它的各个方面都需要设计师的聪明才智, 城市规划者和工程师,更尊重他们的人文价值和艺术 implementation in the design phase 和 continued maintenance phase. 它需要 认真核算其居民和游客以及个人的安全 and property boundaries - but also an understanding of the communication needs of the inhabitants in wayfinding, including information for identifying and locating landmarks and guidance to safety in case of an emergency. 

In other words, humanities 和 arts are essential public works in the service 如果没有这些,社区的安全和功能就会 be severely emaciated, compromised and eventually disrupted - and just like other public works, they need care and maintenance. 

Call for Assignment Submissions

We extend a call to faculty to become part of the H&A公共工程 Curricular Community 并设计将人文和艺术作为公共工程的作业 它以多种方式服务于我们的城市和校园环境 并赋予它们意义. 

Here are some questions class assignments could address:

  • What do we take away from a stroll in a city or on our campus? What attracts our attention? 我们如何从视觉、声音、气味和物体表面的感觉中获得意义 我们继续漫步?
  • 标志的语言、形状、大小、颜色告诉我们社会和社会的什么 城市的文化结构,当地人和游客聚集的地方,以及期望 about the community’s behavior?
  • 如何 do we find our way around? What are landmarks that help us navigate a city? 如何 are navigation routes communicated? In a map, in a poem, in a riddle, in a series 的指令? And how truly effective are any of these?
  • 围绕在我们周围的多面艺术表达是什么 也许不那么明确,告诉我们关于价值观,道德,欲望,恐惧和最终 不同人群的心理景观都是积极共存和合作的 共享这一景观?
  • 我们从观察和分析中得到了关于居民日常生活的哪些线索呢 过去的城市地区? What line of continuity and organic connection can we discern 用现在?  Finally, how might any such ties inform our present existence and, by extension, help improve our current lives? 

如何 to Submit Your Assignment

We invite you to engage with this effort in two ways:

  1. Submit a signature Assignment from 一个 of your courses that addresses re-entry. Signature assignments could lead 学生作品,包括艺术创作(绘画,雕塑,陶瓷) 艺术品,珠宝,数字媒体表现),社会公平的设计解决方案, 艺术表现(诗歌、短篇小说、多媒体创作)、表演(音乐剧) 作曲和重新诠释,舞蹈诠释和编舞,电影, 小品和动画故事)和分析(对语言、文本和叙事的研究), on media coverage of racial issues, in English and other languages). 我们要求服从 在这一点上,只是作业,所以你可以被通知接受,并且可以 当你在学期结束前提交学生的作品时,让他们做好准备. (教师 with accepted assignments will receive $150)
  2. Self-Nominate for the Awards Committee to serve as a member of the Re-Entry Awards Committee. The committee of faculty representing 各系/学院将对导师提名的学生作品进行评审 使用一个 一套标准 并将在五个学科类别(分析奖学金, literary arts, visual arts, performing arts, and media arts). 学院支持 本次比赛的优胜者将获得5000美元的丰厚奖金进行分割 equally among the five disciplinary categories. (教师 on this committee will receive a $250 stipend)


提交作业的时间表见下文,自我提名 awards committee, and submitting your student creations.

今年的比赛将包括2023年秋季和2024年春季的学生作品 学期. Awards will be decided in May 2024. 

时间轴 & 提交的链接

2月22日 Submit your assignment through the 谷歌的形式 using the required assignment template
2月22日 Self-nominate for the Awards Committee 在这里. Self-nominated faculty will be notified about participation by Mar. 1, 2024
3月1日 教师 notified about their assignments being selected
4月25日 Submit up to 3 student creation selections 在这里 伴随着 学生许可表格 (每位学生)
4月26日 Student creations made available to Awards Committee
4月29日 During week of 4月29日, Awards committee meets to select winners
5月13日 Selected student showcase participants are notified
5月17日 Digital showcase of selected showcase participants goes live
5月18日 Showcase Opening Event (in-person, if possible) & winners in each category from these showcase selections announced
May-Sept All faculty assignment prompts archived in ScholarWorks


副院长罗拉·斯沃罗(Roula Svorou)领导着审查委员会,并邀请教职员工参加 自我提名(通过这个) 谷歌的形式). Those serving on the committee may not submit an assignment for this opportunity. 教师 on this committee will receive a $250 stipend

Archiving Your Assignments

因为我们认为创造新教学法的工作和创新 尤其是将我们学院的多个学科结合在一起的教学法 围绕一个需要被识别和共享的主题,我们创建了一个结构 是否将作业提示和被提名的学生作品永久存档 in 菠菜网lol正规平台 ScholarWorks ,以便它们可以在全球范围内共享(参见2022-2023) 教师作业 可持续发展的未来).


We sincerely hope that you will consider serving our students by participating in 通过创建一个签名的“包容倡议”作业 or by being a member of the awards committee. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Associate Dean Roula Svorou (我们只能.svorou@piiotasinfonia.com).