
Immunization Services

如需接种疫苗(包括流感疫苗),请预约 at the Immunization Clinic by calling 408-924-5678. Fees for commonly requested immunizations can be found on the Fees & Payment webpage.

Make sure to get a flu shot this season. Information on free flu shots in our county can be found at Santa Clara County Influenza (Flu) webpage

Immunization Requirements

Fall 2024 New Students

新生须于入学第一天前提供免疫证明 课程,以避免延误住房申请,课程注册和/或参与 in programs. 

CSU Required Immunization

  • Hepatitis B Vaccine: Full immunization series completed. All incoming students who 18岁或以下的学生是否必须在他们第一个学期的第一天提交证明 of Hepatitis B immunization.



注:住宿学生应提交所有要求的免疫记录: Hep B (if 18 or under), MMR, MenACWY.

Students who need to get these vaccinations [pdf] 或收集免疫证明,我们强烈鼓励现在这样做. Acceptable proof of immunization:

  • 可从学生的免疫接种记录中获得,包括姓名和日期 免疫或表明免疫的血液测试的日期和结果;
  • 可以由学生的高中,私人医疗保健提供者或当地 health department.

Students will be able to upload their documents through Student Wellness Center Patient Portal after May 1, 2024.



Per CSU Executive Order 803所有参加卫生保健研究领域或教师教育项目的学生 是否需要提供完成免疫接种的文件 由国家许可机构或临床安置机构设立的健康检查 sites or fieldwork sites. Students should contact the academic program for the specific required immunizations, health screenings (e.g., TB screening and physical examination) and any other fieldwork or clinical placement requirements.

As recommended by Santa Clara County Public Health Department在结核病发病率较高的国家旅行或居住的学生 至少一个月应在自己填写肺结核筛查表 Student Wellness Center Patient Portal这包括除美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰、 or a country in western or northern Europe.


  • Updated mRNA COVID-19 vaccine
  • Influenza (flu) vaccine
  • 麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹(MMR)疫苗(部分学生需要)
  • 脑膜炎球菌结合疫苗(部分学生须接种)
  • Meningococcal B vaccine
  • Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (Tdap) vaccine
  • Varicella/chickenpox vaccine

Other Vaccines Recommended for Adults:

  • Hepatitis A (Hep A) Vaccine
  • Hepatitis B (Hep B) Vaccine – Ages 19 and older
  • Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine
  • Pneumococcal Vaccine
  • Polio Vaccine

Instructions for Submitting Required Documents

Gather your Immunization Record

  • 接受以下文件类型:PDF, TIFF, PNG, JPG, BMP.
    文件大小应在4Mb以下,如果文件太大,请将文件扫描成 部件(确保每个部件都有标识信息)并上传单独的页面.
  • 如果文件有密码保护,请确保将其保存为单独的pdf文件 password protection prior to submission.
  • 如果提交诸如药房收据之类的证明,则文件必须包含患者的 接种的每种疫苗/滴度的姓名和出生日期、类型、日期和结果. 还应明确指出,它是由有执照的医疗提供者准备的.
  • 如果你是阳性的,你接种了疫苗,或者你患有这种疾病,你也可以 去实验室验血,确认你有免疫力.g., via your healthcare provider or your local county public health department). This test is called a “titer”. 如果你没有,请安排你的医疗保健提供者做一次滴度检测 sure you have had the immunizations.

Upload your Immunization Record

  • To submit your immunization record, Log into the Student Wellness Center Patient Portal to submit your immunization record
  • Enter your 菠菜网lol正规平台 ID number and password  
  • Duo Authentication is required prior to logging in
  • Navigate to the "Medical & Counseling Clearances" tab in your health portal, enter 您的申请表上列出的每项要求的接种日期和类型 ,然后继续上传您的免疫记录。点击“更新”按钮 to upload your document
  • 若要上传其他或更新的文档,请导航到“医疗” & Counseling Clearances>Immunization Records>Upload. 要上传您的测试结果或豁免请求,请选择“免疫接种” “记录”选项卡提交后,请允许最多10个工作日的记录 to be processed and verified. If requirements are missing from your record, you will 通过学生健康中心患者门户网站的安全消息通知 take further action. You can also check the "Medical Clearances" tab for compliance status updates
  • 请注意,在您提交的体检合格证明中“不需要通关的项目”一栏 这些项目的记录是可选的,并将保留为“等待审查” medical records as they will not be processed or verified  
  • For further questions regarding required immunizations, email

TB screening assessment

  • Complete tuberculosis screening questionnaire in the Student Wellness Center Patient Portal
  • 如果你有感染结核病的风险,系统会提示你提交 a TB test under “Items Not required for Clearance”
  • Submit tuberculosis test results for verification as needed. You may submit either TB皮肤试验,T-SPOT TB血液试验或Quantiferon Gold TB血液试验. If submitting 一份胸片报告,报告必须附有肺结核检查结果

Immunization Resources

Alternative Locations for Other Vaccines and Immunizations

圣克拉拉县公共卫生药房旅行和免疫诊所 976 Lenzen Avenue, Suite 1100, San Jose, CA 

Frequently Asked Questions