Dealing with Behavior Issues

What Constitutes Disruption?

“扰乱”,应用于学术环境,是指行为是合理的 faculty or staff member would view as interfering with normal academic functions.

Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • 不断打断或使用不尊重的形容词来回应评论 of others.
  • Use of obscene or profane language.
  • 未经允许持续迟到或早退,扰乱课堂秩序者.
  • 身体威胁、骚扰行为或个人侮辱(即使是开玩笑) manner).
  • 使用个人电子设备,如传呼机,手机,掌上电脑在课堂上,除非 it is part of the instructional activity.


The best time to deal with disruption is before it begins. When discussing standards 在学期开始时,考虑一种鼓励表达的方法 与课程目标相关的想法和观点,而不是闭口不谈 critical thought processes. Faculty can take steps to reduce the likelihood of disruptive 通过鼓励适当的行为或建立适当的 behavior standards.

  • Explicitly state expectations for conduct in the syllabus.  Include behavioral specifics, such as "turn off pagers and cell phones before entering the classroom." Explain consequences for inappropriate behavior and follow through.
  • Review these expectations with students during the first class meeting.
  • Model respectful communication and behavior with your students.
  • Facilitate respectful exchange of ideas among your students.
  • Address problems consistently and in a timely manner.

Handling Classroom Disruptions

如果对你或他人有直接威胁,请致电大学警察局 408-924-2222 immediately. (Consider saving this phone # into your cell phone.)


  • 对于孤立事件,进行私人谈话(下课后或安排会议)。 with the student to discuss the behavioral disruptions you are observing, clarify 期望,并清楚而冷静地说明不做必要的后果 adjustments. Students’ behaviors may not be intentional, and immediately addressing them will be helpful and may be an educational opportunity. It is also helpful to start the conversation with acknowledging the student’s strengths (e.g., passionate about the topic, good attendance, motivated in class, etc.).
  • 然后给学生写一份书面总结,重申你的关心,期望, and consequences for continued disruption. Consequences may include referring student 给系主任、副院长和/或学院院长、办公室 of the Student Conduct and Ethical Development, and/or the University Police.
  • 长期破坏和干扰学习环境的学生可能是 asked to leave the class for the remainder of that class period. University Police may be called to remove the student if necessary. Although permanent removal from 一门课需要主动进行正式的纪律处分,教师可以开除 一个学生在必要时从一个班级中退出,严重扰乱或威胁 situation.
  • 咨询你的系主任、学院院长或导师可能会有所帮助 in developing a plan for dealing with a disruptive student. If you remove any student 从你的班级,建议你立即通知你的系主任.
  • 教师或工作人员可以咨询学生行为和道德发展办公室 or the Ombudsperson, and may consider filing a Complaint of Misconduct.
  • 正式的纪律处分可能包括:纪律谴责、留校察看、停职 or dismissal.
  • 如果学生似乎在情感上或个人上挣扎,他们的行为和 thought process may have been negatively impacted.  State your concern and care with the student.  Please feel free to consult with the Student Wellness Center at 408-924-5678.
  • 记录困难,以及你为解决它们所做的努力,包括所有的困难 written communication.  
  • If the disruptive behavior continues, consider consulting with Student Conduct and Ethical Development Office at 408-924-5985.

Threatening or Potentially Violent Situations

Call University Police (911 on any campus phone; or 408-924-2222 from your cell phone) when:

  • You are or another person is in immediate danger.
  • A student is about to harm him/herself.
  • A student seems out of control and about to put others in harm’s way.

如果学生的行为让你感到不安和/或存在直接或暗示的威胁, 骚扰,和/或跟踪,建议您立即讨论事件。 with your supervisor or Department Chair.

You or your supervisor may consider completing an incident report to the campus Behavioral Intervention Team. 当这样的文档描述带有时间和日期的特定行为时,这是很有帮助的 of the incident. University Police will also assist you in assessing the threat and determining possible steps to take. 

De-Escalating Aggressive Behaviors

如果对你或他人有直接威胁,请致电大学警察局 (408) 924-2222 immediately. (Consider saving this phone # into your cell phone.)

Ensuring your own safety

  • 在会议之前,提醒你可能要见的同事或主管 一个有潜在暴力倾向的人,这样你的同事就可以报警了 or others for assistance.
  • 考虑在一个更公开的场合举行会议,也许还有另一位同事 or supervisor in the meeting with the person.
  • 如果你决定和这个人私下见面,在见面的时候把门打开 with a potentially violent person.
  • 整理好你的办公家具,这样你就有一条清晰的通道可以走到门口 need be, and the other person won’t be as easily able to block your path.

If a person becomes aggressive or seems potentially violent, first ensure your own safety. Take long, deep breaths to stay as calm as possible. 


  • It is generally helpful to meet with a disruptive person in private. Reduce stimulation. 这为教职员工提供了一个直接解决问题的机会 interruption or shaming the person.
  • Use low, deeper tones, and avoid raising your voice or talking too fast.
  • Use gentle, soft voice, speaking slowly and confidently.
  • Allow the person to tell you what is upsetting them.
  • Acknowledge the person’s strengths (e.g., good attendance, desire to perform well, etc.)
  • Stay calm and paraphrase your understanding of the person’s experiences. Set aside your own thoughts and responses and focus on what you are hearing.
  • Validate the person’s possible emotions and what is upsetting them.
    具体一点,温柔一点,但要坚定地指明你能接受的行为. For example, “Please sit down.” Or, “Please lower your voice and do not scream at me.” Or, “Please do not thrash your arms like that. Please keep them lowered.”
  • Explain your intent before making any moves (e.g., “I’d like to get some water. Would you like some?” Or, I’m going to move behind you to close that window.)
  • Take deep breaths, slowing down your breathing so that you remain calm.
  • If the tension in the room is not dissipating, consider taking a quick break. (Apologize 用平静的语气说需要出去几分钟,比如说 that you would like to consult with a supervisor; that you would like to get a glass of water, and offer one to the person; etc.)
  • Ask the person what would be helpful from you.  Ask for permission to problem-solve the issue. The person may just be venting and may not want you to problem-solve with them.
  • Summarize what the person has said, and summarize any agreed upon resolutions.


  • Do not argue. When a person is already agitated or angry, he/she may escalate if they do not feel heard. Even if you are correct, arguing at this point will likely increase aggression.  t is more helpful to show that you heard them and to de-escalate than to be correct.
  • 不要把注意力集中在人身上,不要用形容词或标签来描述这个人. Instead, do focus on the specific behavior.
  • Do not restrict the person’s movement. If he/she wants to stand, allow them.  Do not corner them.
  • Do not meet behind closed door if you foresee possible danger.
  • Do not touch the person or make sudden moves.
  • Do not threaten the person. Threatening could increase someone’s fear, which could prompt defense or aggression.
  • Do not press for explanation about their behavior. Avoid “why” questions; these tend to increase a person’s defenses.
  • Do not take the person’s behavior or remarks personally.  Disruptive or aggressive behavior generally results from other life problems.

When to Consult with Someone

教职员工都是教育者,我们都努力提供帮助和关怀. 有时,被学生强迫扮演另一个角色(如辅导员或朋友) situation can be uncomfortable. In such situations, consider consulting with campus resources that may be helpful in resolving issues with the student. A range of support services and information are available to faculty, staff, and to students.

The staff at Student Conduct and Ethical Development 提供有关学生行为准则的信息和支持. Referrals can also be made to the Student Wellness Center, Accessible Education Center, and/or the Ombudsperson.

一些捣乱的学生可能有情感或精神上的挣扎,有些可能是残疾的 and protected under the Rehabilitation Act/ADA.  We appreciate campus community members’ 敏感的学生的情绪斗争,并为他们提供适当的 resources on campus.  All students are held to the same standards of conduct.

Not Sure Whether to Call for Help?

如果你不能决定你在学生身上观察到的是警察还是 BIT involvement, perhaps the following will be helpful.

At one time or another, everyone feels depressed or upset. However, there are three 涉及学生苦恼的情况可能表明问题更多 than the “normal” ones.

#1: Imminent Dangers/Critical Problems


  • Highly disruptive behavior (hostility, aggression, etc.)
  • Violent or homicidal threats
  • Inability to communicate clearly (garbled, slurred speech, disjointed thoughts)
  • 明显失去与现实的联系(看到/听到不存在的东西,信仰 or actions at odds with reality)
  • Overt suicidal thoughts, gestures, threats

Responses to Imminent Dangers /Critical Problems

  • Stay calm.
  • Call 911 from a campus phone or 924-2222 to reach UPD
  • Inform your chair or manager
  • Inform a BCIT member

#2: Ambiguous Problems/Dangers

虽然不会对教室或办公室的其他人造成干扰,但以下内容可能表明 that something is wrong and that help may be needed:


  • Inappropriate or exaggerated emotional reactions to situations
  • OR a lack of emotional response to stressful events
  • 情绪低落或冷漠,过度活动或喋喋不休,有哭泣的迹象,
  • Noticeable change in appearance and hygiene, alcohol on the breath, etc.


  • Behavior which disrupts your office, or class or student interactions
  • Unusual or noticeably changed interaction patterns, e.g. avoidance of participation, excessive anxiety when called upon to speak, domination of discussions, etc.
  • Inability to remain awake in class


  • Extremely poor academic performance, or a change from high to low grades
  • Excessive absences, especially if prior class attendance was good
  • Repeated attempts to obtain deadline extensions or postpone tests

Possible Responses to Ambiguous Problematic Behavior

  • Talk to the student in private when you both have time
  • Express your concern in non-judgmental terms
  • Listen to the student and repeat the main point of what the student is saying
  • Clarify the pros and cons of each option for handling the problem
  • Ask direct questions, e.g. it is okay to ask if they are drunk, confused, or have thoughts of harming themselves
  • Make appropriate referrals if necessary
  • Make sure the student understands what action is necessary
  • Inform your chair or manager
  • Consult with counselor at the Student Wellness Center on duty 8:30-4:30 M-F.

#3: Suicidality

尤其重要的是,教职员工要意识到可以做些什么 prevent the tragedy of suicide on college campuses.

What We Know about Suicide:

  • Suicide is the second leading cause of death for college students
  • Most people who die by suicide have given some warning of their intent.
  • Students who are thinking about suicide will tell peers before anyone else
  • 80% don't come to us, therefore we need a community approach.
  • Most suicidal people don't want to die, they just want the pain to stop.
  • Asking someone if they're suicidal will NOT make them more suicidal. In fact by directly asking, you may prevent someone from attempting suicide.

Responses to Suicidality

Helpful Responses
  • Show that you take the student's feelings seriously
  • Let the student know that you want to help
  • Listen attentively and empathize
  • Reassure that with help they can recover
  • 如果是在上午8点到下午5点之间,带学生去学生健康中心 Monday through Friday
  • If it is after 5pm or on a weekend, call UPD at 4-2222 for help
  • Don't go it alone. Helping someone who is feeling suicidal is hard, demanding, and draining work
Less helpful responses
  • Challenge the student
  • Analyze the student's motives
  • React with shock or disdain at the student's thoughts and feelings
    Minimize the student's distress
  • Ignore your limitations (e.g., not consulting with available resources).
  • 把自己放在一个妥协的位置,“承诺”不与他人协商.

Resources, Locations, & Contact Information

University Police Department

UPD Building (corner of 7th and San Salvador)

Behavioral Intervention Team

Student Wellness Center 300B

Counseling and Psychological Services

Student Wellness Center 300B

Accessible Education Center

Admin Building 110

Center for Faculty Development

IRC 223

Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs

Admin Building Room 212


Admin Building Room 218

Student Conduct and Ethical Development

Admin Building Room 218

This document was adapted from the following sources:

  • Disruptive Students: A Guide for SSU Faculty & Staff, Shawnee State University
  • 应对破坏性或威胁性的学生行为:教师指南,加州 State University, Northridge [pdf]


校园文明和学习的中断:教职员工指南,科罗拉多州立大学 Long Beach, CA  [pdf]